The Origins
Yoga involves poses that engage your mind and body and the origins of this can be traced back to India about 5000 years back.
Yoga is a discipline that focuses on the body and the mind as well. It is an exercise that not only improves your balance and flexibility, but also helps detoxify your mind of the negative emotions and stress. Yoga is great way of connecting your mind, body, and soul. We all need a break from the stressful and fast paced lives we lead. Yoga will help you destress, rejuvenate, and mentally prepare you to face your day. Exercising is always healthy, exercises concentrate on the physical aspect, yoga not only helps you in the physical aspect but also connects your mind, with your body and your soul.
Yoga is multi-faceted, it involves your emotional wellbeing, your physical wellbeing, and your spiritual wellbeing as well.
Why you should start practicing Yoga
Yoga has so much to offer and so much for us to learn from. It can lead to so much positivity and brings a balance to our lives. Practicing yoga can lead to release of endorphins and this can help you release stress and anxiety.
The Physical Aspect
With all the anxiety and stress, we face today, it is important to keep healthy. Yoga has a variety of asanas that help you relax, decrease anxiety, and just ensure you achieve a sense of quiet and calm. Yoga is also said to help deal with depression and get rid of negative emotions.
Deals with Sleep Issues:
Research suggests we should ideally sleep for 8 hours to make sure our body is well relaxed, but that seldom happens. Yoga though can help you overcome any sleep issues you might be facing. Yoga involves multiple types of asanas and breathing techniques that could help you overcome your insomnia.
Improves your core strength and flexibility:
Yoga is an exercise that is all inclusive. This means athletes can use yoga to improve their core strength, or balance or they can concentrate on one area they would like to focus on. Dancers can also use yoga to improve their balance and flexibility. Depending on what your area of interest and focus is you can choose from various asanas. Other individuals can practice yoga as it is an exercise that will improve your flexibility and build your stamina as well.
Posture Improvement
Often, we notice due to sitting for long hours in front of the computer our back and neck get affected as its difficult to maintain the posture and not slouch. Doing yoga asanas will enable you to get rid of the pain you are experiencing. It has been observed over a period of time yoga can help relieve pain and other joint problems as well.
Yoga has numerous health benefits, it has multiple uses, not only does it build your immunity, but does it in a natural and healthy way. Staying healthy is extremely important in today’s environment and you can do all this by practicing yoga from your home.
The Mental Aspect
With the introduction of social media, we are more worried about how we look and how people will perceive us. Social media can be a harsh place sometimes and this can take a toll on your mental wellbeing and can be factor for stress. This is where yoga comes in. Yoga has character and layers; every time you peel a layer you will discover a new facet and a positive one at that. Yoga teaches you about self-love. It tells you that self-love is important, and you need to learn to accept yourself exactly as the way you are.
It helps build your Confidence
Asana by Asana yoga helps in building up your sense of confidence. It teaches you to listen to what your mind and body are telling you. When you start listening to yourself, when you put in the effort to learn about yourself you slowly are building up your confidence. You will notice this in the small changes, you sit a little straighter, you walk with a little more confidence, and slowly you realize you have a little more courage. You learn to develop a healthy, and loving relationship with yourself.
Spiritual Aspect
The spiritual aspect of yoga is connected with going on a journey with your mind body and soul and being in sync with them. The asanas involve being connected with your body through breathing, your mind through concentration and this will lead to your spiritual awareness. It does not involve and religion, or god it is all about your beliefs and choices which will drive you to feel more connected and rooted.
The Takeaway
Yoga has different aspects connected with it and yoga can deliver so much in terms of your health and your mental wellbeing. The fact that it teaches you to love yourself and believe in yourself through exercising your mind body is an amazing thing to experience. Start with a daily practice of fifteen minutes and see how yoga will make a positive impact in your life.