A.P.M.C. IS The Agriculture produce market committee we are lunching fast time in gulu
- Principles
APMC operate on two principles:
- Ensure that farmers are not exploited by intermediaries(or money lenders) who compel farmers to sell their produce at the farm gate for an extremely low price
- All food produce should first be brought to a market yard and then sold through auction
- Features
Farmers are required to sell their produce via auction at the mandi in their region. Traders (e.g. shopping mall owners) and food processing companies cannot buy produce directly from a farmer.
Some of the salient features of the APMC Model as follows
- Facilitates contract farming model.
- Special markets for perishables.
- Farmers, private persons can set up own market
- Licensing norms relaxed.
- Single market fees.
- APMC revenue to be used for improving market infrastrure.